Thermaltake Water 2.0

The past few years has seen water cooling increasing its popularity with pre-assembled, moderate to high performance, desktop computers. Advantages of water cooling include the fact that a system is not limited to cooling one component, but can be set up to cool the central processing unit, graphics processing unit, and/or other components at the same time with the same system.

Traditional water cooling solutions require constant upkeep to prevent clogs or performance degradation. Thermaltake WATER2.0 Series of water cooling solutions are self-contained and proven to last.

Powerful and Robust Pump Maximizes the Liquid Cooling Circulation. No Refill Needed.
· High performance Copper base plate accelerates the heat conductivity.
· High reliability low profile pump provides quick liquid circulation lowering the temperature.
· Pre-filled coolant reduces the liquid replenishment hassle.
· Low evaporation tube decreases the loss of coolant effectively.
· The high-tech sealed circulation system prevents leaking issue.

Thicker Radiator Benefits from the Larger Cooling Surface.
· Powerful fan blows the heat of radiator out to the chassis to maximize cooling performance.
· Dual Automatic Adjustable 120mm PWM Fans maximize the cooling performance and tranquility.
· PWM control function fan (1200~2000rpm) automatic adjust the fan speed according to CPU temperature, minimize overheating possibility.

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