Razer Fiona Gaming Tablet

Project Fiona is an upcoming gaming tablet from Razer. This little beast runs in a PC environment with Intel's Core 7i processor and got a 10.1" 1280x800 display. You will also get a superb sound quality with Dolby 7.1 surround sound. Fiona will probably be the ultimate portable gaming system when it comes out later this year.

Project Fiona redefines how you control your tablet. Engineered with intuitive game controllers attached on both sides of the multi-touch display this tablet offers the ultimate tablet gaming experience. Other tablets force you to use touchscreens and accelerometers for gaming which is great for casual gaming but impossible for hardcore PC gaming. This constrains you to casual games that can be played with limited navigation and control capabilities.

Adapted from a full featured PC gamepad, Project Fiona's integrated dual controllers coupled with its advanced multi-touch screen are designed to make complex game navigation ergonomic and intuitive without compromising on the portability of the tablet. You'll be able to carry out headshots and command troops in-game with ease.

This first-of-its-kind PC gaming tablet with integrated dual controllers is definitely not for playing casual games about unhappy birds or zombie-killing flora.

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